Auditing and certification
An auditor from the SGS Société Générale de Surveillance (the world’s largest certifier) and an expert in the field will audit the practice/department/clinic during one day on site (½ day studying documents, ½ day discussions).
The T-Foundation for Transparency and Quality Assurance in Medicine, Zurich has the overall supervision. The T-Foundation is a non-profit and tax-exempt foundation under the supervision of the Swiss Federal Supervisory Authority for Foundations of SECO.
- Normal clinic / department: CHF 8,800 per main audit every three years
- Group practice / individual practice: CHF 3,850 per main audit every three years
- Annual interim audits: CHF 3,850 (clinic/ department/) ; CHF 1,650 (group practice / individual practice)
Suitable for
Individual practices, group practices / centres, departments / clinics of hospitals
1 day in the respective institution, provided the quality is recorded, the results are worked with and the indication guidelines are documented or applied.
The T-Certificate label can be used for communication and advertising purposes.
You can download the regulations here:
Further information
can be found in the SGS-Flyer:
On request, the T-Foundation will provide you with a competent contact person who will present you with solutions for prospective data collection and its evaluation.
Our contacts have a wide range of analytical tools for medical quality assurance.
Do you want to create a registry, collect and evaluate data or try out solutions that enable prospective data collection? Please contact us at the following e-mail address: or contact the office directly.
Applying for a T-Certificate
We are pleased that you have chosen the T-Certificate.
How to Apply
Please download the application form for the T-Certificate and send / fax it filled in and signed to
SGS Société Générale de Surveillance SA
Z.Hd. Frau Elvira Bieri
Technoparkstrasse 1 – CH 8005 Zürich
Telefon +41 44 445 16 80
Fax +41 44 445 16 88
For questions by e-mail please use the contact form below