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The T-Certificate – for transparency and quality assurance in medicine

The «T»

in T-Certificate stands for transparency and serves as proof of the quality-oriented orientation of your clinic – both internally and externally.

In the video we captured some voices during the award of the T-Certificate to the SRO Langenthal (Surgery), why T-Certification benefits transparency and quality.


know when choosing a T-Certified institute that it will always strive for transparent quality. Beginning with the choice of indicators all the way through to the measurement and implementation of results, such a clinic operates transparently and comprehensibly.

Clinics and medical practices

who are certified by the T-Certificate can clearly communicate both internally and externally that they work transparently in the areas of indication and outcome measurement. Valuable feedback from the certification helps to optimise processes and, through active use of the outcome data, to achieve improvements for patients and staff. The T-Certificate also strengthens the position vis-à-vis health insurance companies and government offices.

Hospital managers

get more out of the outcome measurements ongoing at their companies and increase their benefits. The focus of the T-Certificate on the quality of indications ensures that patients are informed in conformity with the law.

Interested in the T-Certificate or want to know more?

The SGS (Société Générale de Surveillance) public limited company is in charge of the organisation of the audit and is at your disposal for further information.

How to Apply

Please download the application form for the T-Certificate and send / fax it filled in and signed to

SGS Société Générale de Surveillance SA
Z.Hd. Frau Elvira Bieri
Technoparkstrasse 1 – CH 8005 Zürich
Telefon +41 44 445 16 80
Fax +41 44 445 16 88




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